Natalie is a Menstrual Cycle Awareness Educator, Women’s Coach, Yoga Teacher, Author and Mother. Natalie is all about helping women live lives that feel good, powered by the menstrual cycle, fuelled by pleasure and at home in their bodies. Alongside coaching, she also co-hosts The Femmepowered Podcast and mentors future cycle coaches. Grab your pen and paper, get somewhere quiet and be prepared for a lot of incredible information, let’s dive into the world of SEO.
Get ready to get serious about your menstrual cycle and your business, in this episode, we cover some fairly intimate topics so we ask you to come with an open heart, you may just learn something new.
Menstrual cycle awareness at its absolute basic core is being aware of the fact that you have a menstrual cycle, which sounds really obvious, but a lot of the time people don’t actually realise it’s a cycle, they just focus on having a period and that’s it. So it’s understanding that you have this cycle, which is repeating phases of hormones, let’s say, that affect how you move through the world, how you feel about yourself, about the world around you, about the things that you do and the foods that you eat and how your body operates, we’re all governed by hormones.
What the practice of menstrual cycle awareness does is it helps us to understand that we have, everyone has a rhythm, which is the rhythm of their menstrual cycle, but you and I and everyone else has our own individual rhythm. What menstrual cycle awareness can do is help you to understand when you’re at your optimum, where you might be more vulnerable. We call them superpowers and joys, superpowers and shadows, and once you know those things, then you can kind of arrange your life to then maximise your input and output.
A lot of the time that happens because people are really struggling with something right so it might be endometriosis or you know trying to on a a fertility journey or you know like extreme heavy symptoms PMD, PMDD. When I learned what the cycle was and that there are these real, I mean, it’s really fascinating when you look into it from a biological perspective of what’s actually happening. It can literally be like a bit of a light bulb moment for people to understand, okay, that’s why it hurts. That’s why I’m having so much pain. That’s why this is happening. Once you know that, then you’ve got a little lighthouse blinking. You can start to see a way through it.
First of all, understanding that your body is going through a massive event and it’s a very lucky thing to be able to experience that without any symptoms at all. So that’s number one. You know, not gaslighting anyone’s experience. Then it’s important to give it space. People would just rather push things to the side. But the more that we do that, the harder we’re making life for ourselves. It’s like swimming against like an a riptide, you know. And a lot of the time people will still work, still push their way through, take painkillers and pretend it isn’t happening. But actually that can very often be making things worse.
Tracking your cycle is key, it’s not just enough to track the dates of your period. Ideally, you want to be tracking how you feel at a high level every day. And so by high level, you might decide that you want to really focus or you want to know how creative you are across your cycle or how, how motivated you feel about your business or how sensual you feel.
As a business owner, it’s it’s kind of easier, because there are certain things that you just need to get done, right? Like you need to have some kind of marketing going on. So let’s just say social media, for example, like, how amazing is it to know actually this phase of my cycle is when I feel like I can sit down and write captions with ease or this part of my cycle is when I feel like I’ve got the charisma or whatever I need to make reels, right?
This is something that means that instead of trying to do it randomly at some point in your cycle or at some point when your diary allows it and maybe spending like a whole day or two days putting together two posts, you might Instead, be able to say, okay, I know that I tend to have this kind of energy or this kind of superpower around this phase of my cycle and you’ll do it in like a quarter of the time.
Every menstrual cycle is different, if yours doesn’t follow the ‘typical’ pattern thats completely ok. The key is to track you cycle and learn how you respond within it. You can use it like a calender, so you know when to be productive in business and when to be more reflective.
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Instagram @natalie.kmartin
Podcast: The Femmepowered Podcast
Check out our previous blogs here: 5 tips to grow your confidence
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