Mel & Yaz, assisted by our beautiful team of photography and business experts, bringing you the most honest and empowering business advice to help you make 2024 your best year yet!

Since we started this wild journey over 12(!) years ago, the biggest thing we've learnt is that FRIENDSHIP & COMMUNITY is at the heart of everything that truly matters. This industry can be bloody lonely, and you need your photography besties to lean on, pick you up when you're down, push you when you need it, celebrate the WINS together and be your biggest cheerleader.

Last year we ran our first-ever event; it was everything we dreamt it would be.
Gather to Grow 2.0 will be even bigger and just as iconic; we can't wait to see you there!

get ready for...


Uncover your confidence and feel empowered.

Get inspired by mind-blowing talks from badass industry leaders who know their sh!t.

Spend some much needed time away to nurture your business and your soul.

Engage in open hearted conversations with our GTG family, who just get you.

Enjoy some seriously good food that will have your taste buds doing a happy dance.

Immerse yourself in a luxury shopping experience, from our favourite hand-picked brands. 

Leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to take on 2024.


Who is it for?

Maternity, newborn and family photographers at all stages of business

When is it?

Saturday, 27th January & Sunday, 28th January 2024

Where is it?

Bristol Paintworks, Bath Road, Bristol BS4 3EH

Your host for the weekend 

Sarah Kate

Sarah is our always friendly-slightly inappropriate- incredibly witty guide, through the two days we spend together. You’ll see more of her over the weekend then you will anyone else! She will be our on-stage buddy.  


day 1

Becky Hart

Making Your Website Work For You

Yasmin Mason

Melanie Grace

Suzi Mitchell

Suzi Bird

followed by 

The art of planning

Little White Photography
Branding that leads to success 

Mastering the Gram

Fed up of having a beautiful website but no website enquiries? Your website is the beating heart of your business, but where do you start? Discover the website essentials that will take your site to the next level and consistently book you more clients.

Becky will take you through the step by step workflow that she has implemented, for every one of her clients. Learn the secret to the ultimate easy workflow, which will streamline your business and save you time.

Join Yasmin as she guides you through planning your marketing, pricing, systems and goals for the next 12 months. Build the career and life that you want, it all starts with a business plan!

Join Suzi as she takes you through how to build a cohesive amazing brand, which will inspire people to book with you. Plus, some key tips on how to use social media to both reinforce your brand, while becoming a solid marketing platform.

Join Suzi as she delves into the world of instagram, sharing her top tips and secrets to building a powerhouse instagram brand. Eliminate the guesswork by learning how to make the gram’ work for you and your business.

Automate The Sh!t Out Of Your Workflow

Q&A with our Speakers
Pizza & Prosecco Evening
Q&A with our Sponsors Panel

day 2

Aimee Laoise

Money Mindset

Ally Stuart-Ross

Charlotte Lodey

followed by 

Q&A with our Speakers

Know your worth and love yourself first.
Charlotte will take you on a journey through money mindset and why we often let negative money stories hold us back from charging our worth. 
The confident, happy, carefree version of you is there for the taking! 

Discovering who you are as an artist 

It’s time to build a business that is authentic to you and ultimately thrives. Discover who you are as an artist, not just a business owner 

Learn to love selling

Join Ally as she helps you discover how to unlock the inner salesperson in you, everyone has one!
Let go of that stinky feeling surrounding selling and delve into how your pricing structure goes hand in hand with sales, along with actionable steps to get you on the right path.

Linzie Russo

How to love your weekly marketing (yes, really!)

Julie Christie

Imagine a world in which marketing your photography business didn’t feel like such a damn chore? Julie is here to show you how to quickly, and easily market yourself and your photography every single week, using a creative process that you might just bloody . . . enjoy!

Discover your signature edit

Linzie will break down how to create your signature editing style and nail a consistent edit using presets in Lightroom. You will discover how Linzie prepares her images for print and always ensures beautiful skin tones and white whites, everytime!


You can sit with us!

Gather to Grow is an event for photographers, created by photographers because we understand the struggles that you are facing and how to make your business flourish. We've been there; we'll be there again; we are in this industry with you.

We were fed up with no educational events to support and celebrate baby and family photographers. So, like the boss bitches we are, we created it ourselves! 
Say goodbye to photography cliques and the 'you can't sit with us' attitude. At Gather to Grow, everyone has a seat at our table. Beginner, a few years in, or a seasoned pro, this is the place for you, and you are SOOOOOOO welcome.

So, what's the plan?




Pizza & Prosecco Evening


Little White (Keynote)


Build The Ultimate Business Plan

Yasmin Mason

Arrive: 9:00am

Making Your Website Work For You

Melanie Grace

Workflow 101

Becky Hart

Mastering The Gram

Suzi Bird

Suzi Mitchell

Finish time: 5:00pm

Discovering Who You Are As An Artist


How To Love Your Weekly Marketing

Julie Christie

Discover Your Signature Edit

Linzie Russo

Moose & Mabel - The Art Of Sales

Ally Stuart-Ross

Aimee Laoise

Mindset & Money

Charlotte Lodey

Q&A with our Sponsors Panel

  GATHER TO GROW 2024 • 27TH & 28TH JANUARY 2024 •  GATHER TO GROW 2024 • 27TH & 28TH JANUARY 2024 •  GATHER TO GROW 2024 • 27TH & 28TH JANUARY 2024 •  GATHER TO GROW 2024 • 27TH & 28TH JANUARY 2024 •  GATHER TO GROW 2024 • 27TH & 28TH JANUARY 2024 •  GATHER TO GROW 2024 • 27TH & 28TH JANUARY 2024 •  GATHER TO GROW 2024 • 27TH & 28TH JANUARY 2024 •  GATHER TO GROW 2024 • 27TH & 28TH JANUARY 2024 •  GATHER TO GROW 2024 • 27TH & 28TH JANUARY 2024 •  GATHER TO GROW 2024 • 27TH & 28TH JANUARY 2024 •  GATHER TO GROW 2024 • 27TH & 28TH JANUARY 2024 •



Goodie bag

2 day admission to all the talks

Event magazine

Lunch on Day 1 and Day 2

Included at the Event

Prosecco & Pizza party




Secure your place with a £245 deposit, followed by three easy instalments of £250
(Invoiced on the 1st of each month)

Client welcome magazine template 

Cocktails and coaching Zoom session

Digital bonus pack which includes: 

Exclusive VIP’s only Gather again event

Customisable pricing calculator

Exclusive VIP Goodie bag

Front-row seat for the whole 2 days

A banging goodie bag!

Event magazine

Lunch on both days

Your invite to our Pizza & Prosecco party!


Included at the Event:


Client objections cheat sheet 

How to maximise your model calls PDF guide

2 day admission to all 10 talks

Where to Stay

Once you've secured your ticket, you'll get access to exclusive discounts to some of the hotels below via private Facebook group!

Your ideal budget-friendly choice. Located just a 5-minute walk away from our venue, this charming hotel offers convenience without compromising on comfort.

Arnos Manor Hotel

A delightfully eccentric and luxuriously appointed hotel situated in the vibrant Portland Square, conveniently positioned a mere 2.6 miles away from the venue.

The Artist Residence 

A serene and opulent retreat nestled in Bristol City Centre, perfectly located just 3 miles away from the venue. Immerse yourself in the tranquil ambiance of our luxurious establishment,

Hotel du Vin, Bristol City Centre

Our closest recommendation for your stay. Experience a perfect blend of comfort and exceptional value at our hotel, conveniently situated a mere 1.4 miles away from our location.

Hilton Garden Inn

- Claire Symes

“Gather to Grow has given me a clearer path of what I need to do although I have a big list. It has given me more people to reach out to for help, lots of great notes , and downloads and to know you're not alone and to have these like-minded friends is a big thing for me.”

- Kim Hardy

I had some reservations that centred around whether it was something I needed to do at this stage in my business & would I gain anything from it. But I left feeling on an absolute high! So pleased that I booked.  I'd gained some absolute gems of information, marketing tactics, and revived energy from some incredible women in this business. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone at any point in their journey. 

- Melissa Johnson-Peters

The talks were all really clear and structured and kept to their themes which was great. I appreciated that there were actionable steps mentioned at each stage rather than it being wishy washy or vague. It was applicable to people at different stages of their business journey so that everyone could take something from it.

- Holly Caro

The experience was so beautiful and the food was AMAZING! But being surrounded by amazing photographers and hearing your stories was just invaluable. It's given me a boost in confidence and I feel armed with lots of great information and tips to move forwards.

- Megan Foster

I was nervous to travel up by myself and leave my children. It's also scary when you don't know anyone else going especially for someone like me who keeps to themselves. But I absolutely loved it!! I was so excited just to get back home and start working on my business using all the ideas that the girls had provided. I felt part of a team and did not feel quite alone anymore.

- Emma Stones

"Gather to Grow has been the investment I knew I needed to elevate me and my brand. A nurturing, yet “no bullshit” approach to running a business – whether you are years into your business, or at the beginning of your journey. Real golden nuggets, that I was able to take away and implement."

- Nic T

I’ve been plodding along quite comfortably in my photography business for the last 13 years.  Then, Gather To Grow came along… 5 wonderful, powerful, boss women ready to share their knowledge, advice and help catapult photographers to the next level, oh where have you been the last 13 years girls?

- Stephanie Jubb

I’m just completely grateful that I attended Gather to Grow. I learnt more than I expected and came away full of adrenaline and resolve. The travel and cost to attend, plus time away from family and organising cover for me while away was absolutely worthwhile. 

- Kay Dawn

I loved the community, the openness of the speakers, the styling, and the quantity of knowledge shared. It inspired me to up my game.  

- Natalie Coultas

“Having set up my photography business 8 years ago I wasn't sure if there was any 'new' information I would take away, so was worried the content might be aimed more at beginners in the industry. But It was amazing! I left feeling Inspired, empowered, motivated, and for the first time in a while - self belief!”

- Phoebe Gilder

I feel so Inspired! Motivated! Emotional! Gather to Grow has given me the confidence to start charging what I am worth and the knowledge on how to do so and in what ways the price increase can be justified.


The fastest way to get to where you want, is to learn from someone who is already there.


Yes! This workshop is specifically tailored to Maternity, newborn and family photographers.  Don't worry if you haven't started your business yet, this is the perfect opportunity for you to created your dream portfolio, in just one day!

Is this workshop just for maternity, newborn and family photographers?

As a photographer, you have the power to capture special moments and inspire others through your art. And with Gather to Grow, you can take your skills to the next level by sharing your work, connecting with like minded creatives, and making an impact on the world.

We've put together some answers to the most common questions you might have about our Gather to Grow events: 

Whilst accommodation is not included, there are tonnes incredible of places to stay nearby. Including hotels and bed and breakfasts. We would totally recommend joining up with some other attendees and all get an airbnb!
If you want to grab a hotel for the night, make sure to check for discounts on the facebook group.  

Is accommodation included?

Once ticket sales have ended, all of the attendees will be invited to join our super-secret, pop up Facebook group. This group will be just for those attending Gather to Grow. Here we will post event details, travel suggestions and so much more! You can introduce yourself and meet others that are attending. This way, you'll know at least on person before stepping foot inside the workshop.

Once we purchase our ticket, whats next?

Already purchased your ticket?

Find travel buddies and get excited together in our VIP Facebook group.

Skip the FOMO, secure your seat ASAP