As a seasoned life and business coach, dedicated educator, and accomplished trainer, Charlotte Lodey has empowered countless women to unlock their potential and thrive. With a passion for nurturing excellence, she is committed to guiding women towards fulfilment and success in both professional and personal realms.
As well as private clients, Charlotte works internationally with global brands to support teams with their internal relationships, behaviour, confidence and performance.
When she is not travelling, she is based in Cornwall nurturing her passion for the outdoors, exploring the coast, sea swimming and inspiring others to do the same.
Being confident is NOT about being the loudest, most outgoing person in the room. It’s about that peaceful, inner confidence that sits with you, even when life throws you challenges. Join our incredible guest life coach, Charlotte Lodey as she explores the concept of true confidence and how it can impact not only your business, but your whole life
A lot of the time we think, maybe I shouldn’t do this thing because my partner said it’s not a good idea. Or, maybe a family member has voiced concern. Or my friend said I shouldn’t post that picture on social media. These are silly little things, but when they start layering on top of each other they make a difference to us. We start to forget about ourselves, what we value and what we truly believe in.
So a really good way of starting to listen to your gut is to think, how many times do I ask myself ‘should I do that thing?’ Because the word ‘should’ is a really good example of someone else’s opinion beginning to creep in.
When someone says to me ‘I should do this’ I say: ‘according to whom?’ Who’s this person telling you that you should or shouldn’t? The first thing to do is really listen to that.
Is this fear you have keeping you safe? Or is it keeping you stuck?
Fear is there to protect us, it’s a built-in safety feature we all have. It’s very easy, however, for fear to keep us completely stuck where we are.
Sometimes we really worry about taking the leap, but remember even if it’s the wrong decision, on the other side of fear is always growth.
You can always ask yourself ‘what have I learned?’ and you can always grow from moving forward, even if in highsight you made a mistake.
Don’t class your mistakes as failures, you have never failed. You may have made a decision that wasn;t as good as the other one, but it is not a failure.
Any successful person in this world has made multiple wrong decisions and ‘failed’ several times. The key is they pick themselves back up, analyze, learn from it and move forward with more experience than before.
Making wrong decisions is going to happen, you can’t avoid it altogether, have faith in your own ability to come back from it. This desire for perfectionism actually gets in the way of your ability to trust yourself fully. Perfectionism is just another form of control and what happens when we try and rigidly control things is there absolutely no room for growth.
Let go a bit, and see what happens. It’s only going to lead to more growth.
With any change in your life, you have to open up space for it. If you want to grow your self-confidence, ask yourself, what do I need to get rid of in my life to make space for that? Making space and letting go of things that don’t serve you anymore takes real practice, but you can begin at any time. The first step is just awareness, self-reflecting and knowing things want to change. That is your first step.
Marcus Buckingham – Love and work
Charlottes ebook link – Coming Soon!
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Check out our previous blogs here: 5 tips to grow your confidence
Previous Episode HERE with Yasmin Anne – Becoming Self-employed
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